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Aftercare Instructions

Eyebrow Tattoo Healing Process


Aww, Thank you! I love them so much!


What!!?? Why are they so dark?


They’re scabbing and itchy but I know not to pick

DAY 8-10

OMG my brows are gone! They said it’s NORMAL

DAY 14-28

Oh! The colour is back. I can’t wait for my touch up!

After Touch up

I’m obsessed! They are perfect!

Eyebrow Tattoo Aftercare

After getting a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo, also known as permanent makeup, it’s crucial to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure the best results and minimise the risk of complications. Here are some general aftercare guidelines:

  1. IMPORTANT – Remove ointment: Gently remove the ointment from your eyebrows with a wet wipe 2 hours after the procedure has been completed.

  2. Avoid water contact: For the first 10-14 days (or until peeling is done), avoid getting the tattooed area wet. This means no swimming, saunas, steam rooms, or prolonged exposure to water. When washing your face, be careful not to let water run over your eyebrows.

  3. Use a healing ointment: Your tattoo artist will provide you with a recommended healing ointment. Apply a thin layer of the ointment to the tattooed area on the third day after your procedure. Continue applying the ointment 2-3 times a day for 7 days or until finished peeling. This helps keep the area moisturised and aids in the healing process.

  4. Avoid picking or scratching: As the tattoo heals, it may become itchy. Resist the urge to scratch or pick at the area, as this can interfere with the healing and potentially lead to scarring or pigment loss.

  5. Avoid makeup and creams: Do not apply any makeup, creams, or other products on the treated area until it’s fully healed; apply carefully around it.

  6. Avoid sun exposure: Protect the tattooed area from direct sunlight during the healing process. Sun exposure can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.

  7. Avoid excessive sweating: Refrain from activities that cause excessive sweating until the tattoo has finished peeling, as it may interfere with the healing process.

  8. Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs: Chlorine and other chemicals in pools can fade the tattoo, so avoid swimming for at least two weeks or until finished peeling.

  9. Avoid facial treatments: Refrain from facials, chemical peels, and laser treatments in the eyebrow area until it’s fully healed.

  10. Avoid using retinol, glycolic acid or harsh skincare products: These skincare products will fade the pigment and reduce the level of retention expected, so avoid using them on the tattooed area.

  11. Be patient: Eyebrow tattoos go through a healing process, and the final results may not be immediately apparent. It’s normal for the color to appear darker initially and lighten as the skin heals.

  12. Touch ups: You will require a touch-up session after the initial healing period to perfect the results. Follow up with your tattoo artist as recommended.

If you experience any unusual redness, swelling, pain, or signs of infection, contact your tattoo artist or seek medical attention promptly. Proper aftercare is essential to achieve the desired outcome of your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo. Remember that individual healing times may vary, but on average, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the eyebrows to fully heal and reveal their true color and shape.

Lip Tattoo Healing Process


Lips look bright and feel slightly swollen and tight


My lips are much darker and feel very dry. I don’t feel pain. Healing cream helps!

DAY 3-4

Skin is flaking and scabbing, and the colour has faded substantially

DAY 5-6

My lips feel almost normal, the flaking is almost gone


My lips have completely healed, but the colour seems lighter than after I had them done?

After 4-6 Weeks

The colour has come back great! If there are some uneven spots I will schedule a touch up

Lip Tattoo Aftercare

Following a cosmetic lip tattoo, also known as permanent makeup, proper aftercare is crucial to achieving the best results and minimising the risk of complications. Here are some general aftercare guidelines:

  • Keep the area clean: Gently clean your lips with a mild, fragrance-free soap and water.

  • Apply a healing ointment: Your tattoo artist will provide a suitable healing ointment. Apply a THIN layer of the ointment to your lips 2-3 times a day for the first few days to keep the area moisturised. Avoid using too much ointment, as it may cause premature peeling (CRUCIAL).

  • Avoid excessive moisture: While it’s essential to keep your lips moisturised, avoid excessive moisture, such as long exposure to water, licking your lips or excess ointment.

  • Avoid spicy and acidic foods: For the first few days, avoid consuming spicy and acidic foods, as they may irritate the tattooed area.

  • Avoid hot beverages: Refrain from drinking hot beverages using a straw for the first few days, as the heat and sucking motion can interfere with the healing process.

  • Avoid makeup and lip products: Do not apply any makeup or lip products on the tattooed area until it’s fully healed.

  • Avoid sun exposure: Protect your lips from direct sunlight during the healing process. Sun exposure can cause the pigments to fade prematurely. Since the skin is healing, it’s more vulnerable, and sun exposure may lead to pigmentation issues like freckles.

  • Avoid kissing: For the first few days, avoid kissing to prevent any potential irritation to the tattooed lips.

  • Be patient: Your lip tattoo will go through a healing process, and the final color and shape may not be immediately apparent. Allow 4-6 weeks for the lips to fully heal and reveal the true color.

  • Touch ups: You will require a touch-up session after the initial healing period to perfect the results. Follow up with your tattoo artist as recommended.

If you experience any unusual redness, swelling, pain, or signs of infection, contact your tattoo artist or seek medical attention promptly. Proper aftercare is essential to achieve the desired outcome of your cosmetic lip tattoo. Remember that individual healing times may vary, but on average, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the lips to fully heal and reveal their true color and shape.

Eyeliner Tattoo Healing Process


Wow! They are nice, but a lil dark and swollen


My eyes are still swollen and the colour is dark

DAY 3-4

The swelling is gone and the colour is flaking off

DAY 5-6

My eyeliner is lighter and the colour seems uneven in a few places

DAY 28

I can’t wait for my touch up!

After Touch up

I’m obsessed! My eyeliner is pefect!

Eyeliner Tattoo Aftercare

Once you’ve had a cosmetic eyeliner tattoo, also known as permanent makeup, taking proper care is essential to achieve the best results and reduce the risk of complications. Here are some general aftercare guidelines:

  • Keep the area clean: Gently clean your eyelids with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and water. Gently pat the area dry with a clean tissue or cotton pad.

  • Avoid eye makeup: Refrain from wearing eye makeup, including mascara and eyeliner, on the tattooed area until it’s fully healed.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes: Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes during the healing process to prevent any potential damage to the tattooed eyeliner.

  • Avoid sun exposure: Protect your eyes from direct sunlight during the healing process. Wear sunglasses when outdoors to shield the area from harmful UV rays.

  • Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs: For the first two weeks, avoid swimming and hot tubs, as chlorine and other chemicals can interfere with the healing process.

  • Avoid facial treatments: Refrain from facials, chemical peels, and other treatments in the eye area until it’s fully healed.

  • Be cautious with contact lenses: If you wear contact lenses, be extra careful when putting them on and removing them to avoid any contact with the healing eyeliner.

  • Be patient: Your eyeliner tattoo will go through a healing process, and the final colour and shape may not be immediately apparent. Allow 4-6 weeks for the eyeliner to fully heal and reveal the true colour.

  • Touch ups: You will require a touch-up session after the initial healing period to perfect the results. Follow up with your tattoo artist as recommended.

If you experience any unusual redness, swelling, pain, or signs of infection, contact your tattoo artist or seek medical attention promptly. Proper aftercare is essential to achieve the desired outcome of your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo. Remember that individual healing times may vary, but on average, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the eyebrows to fully heal and reveal their true color and shape.